Lord’s Day, Vol. 6 No. 10

There Is Only One God

In some countries where people have not read the Bible and do not know very much about God, there are many people who think that there are several gods. Some of them think that there are two gods, some of them think that there are four gods and some of them think that there are even a hundred gods or more. In some places, people think that the sun is a god and that the moon is another god so they bow down and sometimes pray to the sun and ask it to take care of them and help them.

Can the sun or the moon help us? No, these do not have life, they are not persons who can help us. They are only things that God made to give us light, to keep us warm and for us to enjoy. They are not gods, but they are made by God. We should never pray to things that God has made but only to God Himself.

Should we pray to the angels? Are they gods? No, angels are alive, and there are some of them right there where we cannot see them, but we should not pray to them. The angels are not gods, but they are helpers for God and that is why God made them. The angels love God and there are so many of them that we cannot even think how many there are.

Most of them are in Heaven thanking and praising God and telling Him how glad they are to serve Him.

Up there in Heaven are there any other gods except our God? No, God has made everything that there is, and He did not make any other gods. That is why He is angry with those who pray to anyone but Himself. He is also angry with anyone who likes anything better than he loves God. We must love God even more than we, love our mothers and daddies and the nice things that we have. God gave us mothers and daddies and the nice things. We must love God best.

One day a minister wanted to know if a little girl knew that there was only one God. He said to her, “Katherine, how many gods are there?”

She said, “Only one.”

“How to you know that?” asked the minister.

“Because,” the little girl said to the minister, “there is room for only one God. He fills the Heaven and the earth.”

And the little was right.


Who Is God?

There are many things we need to know. We need to know how to read and write; we need to know about arithmetic and geography. But there is something much more important than reading and writing and arithmetic and geography. Can you think what that very important thing is? I will tell you. It is to know about God. This is so important because God made you to live, and if you don’t know about God, you won’t know what He wants you to do.

Who is God? God is a Person who lives in a lovely place called Heaven. We do not know just where Heaven is, but we think it is far above the stars. It is a place where all of us would like to live, and if we know God and love Him, then we can go to be with God and the good angels in Heaven when we die. That is another reason why it is so important for us to know about God.

Should I tell you some more things about Him? Do you know that God is a Spirit? This means a Person without a body. You and I have bodies with our spirits inside them, but God does not need a body. God is truly the most wonderful Person. He is kind and good. He never, never does a wrong thing. And He is so great that He can do anything He wants to. He made the world and the grass and the sky and the sun and the moon and the stars. He made the angels, and He made you and me. He made everything. He sends the thunder and the lightning and the rain? When the springtime comes with beautiful flowers and blue skies, it is because God makes it so.

Where is God? We have already learned that God is in the beautiful country of Heaven, but God is also here in this room listening to us talk. He is next door, too. Isn’t it strange that God can be here in our house and at the same time be next door? And He is everywhere else, too. He is with the missionaries in other countries and with the people in the big ships in the ocean. He is everywhere. We can be only one place at a time, but God is everywhere all at the same time.

One of the most important things for us to remember is that this great God is always loving us and always watching to see what we are doing. That should make us very careful about the things we do. We would not want to do anything God does not like. We know that our great God in Heaven is always seeing us and helping us to do good things.

One day a man wanted to steal some watermelons from a field and took his little boy with him. The little boy was eight years old. His father told him to stand near the fence and watch to see if anyone was looking. While his father was in the field getting the watermelons, the little boy suddenly called out, “Daddy, Someone is watching you.”

The man came running back to the little boy. “Where?” he asked. “Who is watching? Where is he?” “Daddy, said the little boy, “when you were looking to see whether anyone could see you, you forgot to look up into the sky. God is looking down and watching you.” The little boy’s father had never thought about that and decided not to steal watermelons anymore. The little boy was a good helper to his father because he reminded his father of God. [Extracted from Devotions for the Children’s Hour by Kenneth N. Taylor.]


Yours lovingly,

Pastor Lek Aik Wee