Proverbs 6:16-19, Six Things God Hates; No, Make that – Seven!

March 11, Proverbs 6:16-19

Acts 5:1-11; 1 Cor. 10-17 “The foolishness of fools is their folly.”

Six Things God Hates; No, Make that – Seven!

No. 5 Deadly Sin: Hateful Alacrity feet that be swift in running to mischief. Such a person delights in keeping mischief on the go continually; and the swifter, the better he likes it. Again, this is the opposite of God’s design. Isaiah says, They that wait on the Lord shall fhy, run and walk (Is. 40:31) in the service of God and man. Here, however, are swift feet eager, if possible, to do wrong. This is an immoral eagerness that God hates. In picturing this depravity Paul declares, Their feet are swift to shed blood (Rom. 3:15). Shame on us that we are less eager to run for God than these are to run for Satan!

No. 6 Deadly Sin: Hateful Perjurya false witness speaking lies (v.19). Solomon has spoken of the evil of lying already (Sin No. 2). This, however, is a specific type of lying. It is perjury to which he now refers, bearing false witness, breaking a formal promise under oath. It is a great evil, and one against which there is little defense. It is an affront to God and a grave injury to our neighbour. “The slanderer does harm to three persons at once: to him of whom he says the ill, to him to whom he says it, and most of all to himself in saying it” (Thomas). To twice mention lying emphasises not only God’s hatred of it, but that He doubly hates it! Yet that does not stop it in our homes, offices, courts, and even our churches today (2 Cor. 11:13-15). God hates perjurers and perjury!

No. 7 Deadly Sin: Hateful Animosity – ­he sows ­discord among brethren (v.19). This sin is one of the most hateful of all, an abomination to God (Pr. 6:19). By tales, stories or unfounded accusations, he causes animosity leading to disunity among brothers. This word is linked to idolatry (2 Kg. 23:13), unchastity (Lev. 18:22), and here with disharmony. No wonder such discord is hateful to God. “Ye lovers of strife, by what name shall I call you? I would I might call you brethren; but alas, this heart of yours is not brotherly. I would I might call you Christians; but alas, you are not Christians. I know not by what name I shall call you” (Bishop Jewel). Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), the Italian author and statesman whose name became synonymous with ruthless political philosophy, formulated this maxim that he himself used: “Make division and get dominion.” John Trapp recall that in 1579 a certain Allen of Rhemes received orders to secretly send emissaries over to England to make way for a great project of destruction in 1588. The weapon used was to divide the people under the terms Protestant and Puritan, until the mutual hatred made them defenseless against enemy attack. That his hatred of the Puritans persists to this day is no accident. Hateful discord is the sin of schism. This is often lumped together with separation and used to attack those who separate, accusing them of schism. Note, there is Scriptural difference in these terms, for while one is sin, the other is commanded! There can be no true unity were truth is sacrificed on the altar of expediency!

Thought: “The best way to promote union is to promote truth” (CHS).

Prayer: Lord, that I might hate sin in whatever guise it may come.