Proverbs 6:16-19, More Sins on God’s Hate-List

March 10, Proverbs 6:16-19

Ephesians 2 “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt” (Eph. 4:22).

More Sins on God’s Hate-List

No. 2 Deadly Sin: Hateful Duplicity a lying tongue (v.17). The original suggests learning the trade of teaching what is false. It is not a slip of the tongue; it is the trade of the tongue. People lie for many reasons, to cover up their sins, to make themselves better than they are. All falsehood opposes the nature of God. Lying is fraud, and is the opposite of God’s way. Lying intends to deceive or mislead people into accepting what is not true. We hear about white lies, wee lies, innocent lies, etc., but they are all the same; they are not the truth, therefore, lies. We know that the Devil is a liar and the source of lies (John 8:44). Falsehood is the sign of a corrupt heart, and it always leads to disappointment in the end. There is the father of lies, the Devil, on the one hand, and God, the Author of Truth, on the other. Who are you following? Should there be any question?

No. 3 Deadly Sin: Hateful Atrocityhands that shed innocent blood (v.17). The Devil was a liar, then a slanderer, and lastly a murderer. How easily the one can progress to the other. God sets high value on human life made in His image. This is the biblical basis for capital punishment, anti-abortion, and anti-euthanasia. How disturbing is the widespread disregard for life today, supported by the laws and the courts. There is an insensitivity to killings and crimes of violence on TV today. Man can change laws, but man’s laws do not change God’s Law. Many who escape punishment here will get a terrible shock when they stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. God hates the sin of shedding innocent blood (Ps. 5:6).

No. 4 Deadly Sin: Hateful Falsitya heart that devises wicked imaginations (v.18). This is a heart designing and a head devising evil plans. God’s eye penetrates the heart’s secrets. The mid-location of this sin suggests that the three preceding sins and those that follow flow from an evil heart, the central control of our desires and affections. Imaginations are thoughts and plans that become sinful purposes to which man directs his energies. Read with fear and trembling Jesus’ list of the things defiling a man that flow from the heart (Mt. 5:21-22). Solomon warned “Keep thy heart with all diligence (Pr. 4:23). The Flood was a catastrophic event, second only to the Final Judgment. What was the cause of this awful overthrow? Was it not because every imagination of the thoughts of [man’s] heart was only evil continually (Gen 6:5)? Sinful acts begin as sinful thoughts in the heart (Jas. 1:14). This is a spiritual warfare, and God provides the weapons to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. By God’s spirit we can overcome those wicked thoughts and transform them. Evil imaginations unchecked become implacable monsters that destroy their victims. Such hearts are only cured by God’s Amazing Grace, and prayerful, obedience to God’s revealed Word.

Thought: On the Last Day the hidden things of every heart will be exposed.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to hate the evil and love the good.