Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 1

Lord’s Day, Vol. 12 No. 1

Infant Baptism

Thank God for the infant baptism of Anna Lim Zhen Ning, the 4-month-old daughter of Lim Zhuo Yan and Grace Ho Fong Hui on 31 December 2023. The church rejoices with them on this blessed occasion of consecration to bring up the child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4b).

Zhuo Yan and Grace joined the church on 26 December 2021 after completing Catechism Classes.

Thank God for His sustenance throughout Grace’s pregnancy to the birth of baby Anna.

Zhuo Yan and Grace had their Holy Matrimony on 19 February 2022 at the Worship Centre. The exhortation from Psalm 128 was entitled “From Marriage to Married Life – The Covenanted Marriage Life”.

Testimony of Lim Zhuo Yan

I grew up with a Christian background and attended church from young. However, Christ was not central at home and spiritual disciplines were not practised in my family. Unsurprisingly, I left church for more than a decade after I turned 17 years old. I became angry and bitter at God for various reasons. But I have come to realise that that was a very dangerous attitude to have toward God. By God’s grace, I was brought back to church in November 2019. I also studied Christian apologetics and was converted at the end of 2019. Indeed, God was merciful to open my eyes that I may see and know the truth.

For the past 2 years, I have experienced God’s mighty hand in various aspects of my life. Knowing that God is with me also empowers me to overcome sin and live a godly life. My walk with God had been far from easy and many trials had come my way. But is that not typical of the Christian life, that is to suffer for Christ’s sake? I have had to rely on God’s strength to overcome these trials time and again. I had been shown not to depend on myself and to put down my pride, surrendering all to God.

I thank God for this blessed relationship I have with Him through Christ, for the privilege of prayer, for His words of everlasting life, and for bringing me to a sound, fundamental church. To God alone be the glory!

Testimony of Ho Foong Hui Grace

By the grace of God, my parents brought me to Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church (CPBPC) since I was born where I was exposed to the faithful teaching of God’s word. I confessed the Lord as my personal saviour in P4 and reaffirmed my faith in Christ at 17. I had questions as I walk with God and also met with trials and testings but God was gracious to always provide timely encouragement, guidance and resources. God taught me humility in my walk and showed me that He was my sole deliverer, strength and source as King David echoes in Psalm 18:2 “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” I thank the Lord for keeping me in my walk with Him and showing me the importance of a firm foundation founded upon His perfectly preserved, everlasting word (1 Peter 1:7, Matthew 5:18).

After many years of growing, loving and serving the Lord in CPBPC, God led me to Blessed Hope Bible-Presbyterian Church (BHBPC). Our Lord is good and sovereign over all. He purposes His plans for His glory. May He continue to shew mercy, keep and use me wherever He may please. As the hymn ‘Channels Only’ pens:

“Channels only, blessed Master,

But with all Thy wondrous pow’r

Flowing through us, Thou canst use us

Every day and every hour.”

We pray for God’s blessing upon this covenant family for His glory. Amen.

Yours lovingly,

Pastor Lek Aik Wee