Psalm 150:1 Praise God in His Sanctuary

Psalm 150:1 (KJV)  Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. 

A climatic note as we are transported to the very realm of praise and worship in its fullness. Here is the sanctuary, the holy place of God’s abode where His people draw nigh to Him.

What glory and what majesty and what fellowship as the people of God praise their LORD. That blessed relationship is emphasized here redemption, care and consummation for the redeemed of the LORD.

God’s holiness and power is meted out. What great awe! This is fullness of righteousness and justice that makes Him worthy of our praise. In the fallen, depraved world, God’s reign stands triumphant.

Let His people rejoice who wait upon Him. Amen.