Psalm 136:1 Cause for Thanksgiving

Psalm 136:1 (KJV)  O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. 

The Christian’s journey through life is blessed beyond measure. It is the cause for unceasing praise, unutterable peace and unspeakable joy. The psalmist extols the “enduring mercy” of God as he reviews the history of God’s filial love for His people that will never fail.

He saw the consistent thread of God’s love permeating through life whatever the situation may be. It is most comforting and therefore the reason for going to Him and experiencing His power to help yet again.

We are truly undeserving sinners yet He has not judged us according to our sins but made the way to pardon us. Can you say you have received His pardon? If so, like the psalmist, there is much cause for thanksgiving.

What is the cause for thanksgiving, His enduring goodness!

The psalmist tells of his good God who has never failed him. He cherishes the relationship as his Father’s child. He is filled with thanksgiving for his privileged position. Amen.