1 Corinthians 6:4, Judgments of Things Pertaining to This Life

1 Corinthians 6:4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

The Apostle Paul reasons with the Corinthians establishing the basis that God has given them a spiritual foundation and the wisdom through His Word and the Holy Spirit to run their lives well including the wisdom to handle disputes among themselves.

Zodhiates said well, “To solve differences in the local church, we should call upon people who have spiritual principles. These may be considered by the world as abject and despised. They are Christians, nevertheless, whose philosophy of life is radically difference from the world. Obviously, Paul considers them more capable than unbelieving secular judges…Paul claims the despised in the world are in the church. They may be despised and rejected, but they are people of spiritual principles which are often lacking among the noble and educated of the world.” In the words, the church is not to set men to judge who are not recognized by the church for spiritual discernment.

Indeed, the believer endowed with God’s wisdom is truly wise though he may not be “somebody” in the world. Praise God for such individuals who may be called upon to handle disputes among brethren for His honour and glory for the establishment of order in the church. Amen.