Romans 10:11, 17, Faith Cometh by Hearing

Romans 10:11, 17 (KJV) 11  For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed…17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The object of the Christian’s faith is Jesus Christ. Whosoever believeth in Him shall not be ashamed but be saved. This faith to believe comes from hearing the Word of God. We need to hear the voice of God speaking to us through His Word. When we hear God’s Word, we get to know God and His Son, therein, we find salvation.

This is the testimony of A.B. Simpson’s conversion, the  nineteenth-century preacher and author. It was recorded in Wingspread by A.W Tozer:

“He flipped a page in an old musty volume called “Marshall’s Gospel Mystery of Sanctification,” and suddenly his eyes were fixed on a passage that stood out like fire from the rest: “The first good work you will ever perform is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Until you do this, all your works, your prayers, tears, and good resolutions are vain. To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is to believe that He saves you here and now, for He has said, ‘Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.'” That was enough. A heart as hungry as his and a mind as keen needed no more. With rapture he slid to his knees and closed with the promise, and there came to his soul such a sweet restful knowledge of sins forgiven as swept away his fears like a flood.”

He had faith in the word of God which was declared in that writing and was gloriously saved! It resulted in him obeying God’s Word and living his life in the light of God’s Word, giving his life for the spreading of God’s Word. This gospel is the power of God unto salvation, may we declare it in its entirety. Amen.