Romans 9:6, His True Children

Romans 9:6 (KJV) 6  Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:

The Apostle Paul seeks to enlighten the believers in Rome and all Christians concerning the predicament of the Jewish people. Though they have rejected their Messiah and crucified Him, this has not nullified God’s promise to Israel as His chosen nation and His representative to the world. There is yet a remnant of Israel that are His real children.

When the majority of Jewish leadership during Jesus’ days rejected Him, there is Nicodemus, a true disciple of Christ together with Joseph of Arimathaea, who were truly born again and true children of God. And there were the 120 followers of Jesus, who assembled to pray in the Upper Room after Jesus resurrection and ascension. They were of the true Israel, truly children of God through Jesus Christ.

The promises of God to Israel remains binding and is to be fulfilled. Do not be side-stepped to think that God has changed His mind concerning His chosen nation. Israel will once again flourish in the latter days as the Scripture promises. During the time when Israel returned exile after 70 years of captivity, Jerusalem was in ruins, and the nation was just a handful of willing returnees. The prophet Zechariah prophesied concerning the future glory of Jerusalem to encourage the returnees to rebuild Israel.

Today, the nation of Israel, though back in the land again after 2000 years of diaspora, could hardly be called a nation of God. They utterly reject Jesus, their Messiah. There is yet a future glory when Jerusalem will be the capital of the world when Christ establishes His millennial rule on earth. And God has preserved for Himself a remnant of Messianic Jews who have received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. God’s promises to Israel is in no wise nullified. Christ is coming again to establish His kingdom on earth. Are you ready for His return?