Lord’s Day, Vol. 2 No. 12

“Charity Envieth Not” (1 Corinthians 13:4c)

“Envy” according the Webster’s dictionary is a feeling of discontent at the sight of superior excellence, reputation or happiness enjoyed by another. It describes one who complains discontentedly or murmurs at another’s prosperity. It is to fret or grieve at the real or supposed superiority of another, and hence to hate the person on that account. The Bible tells us that the character of Christian love dispels the entanglement of “envy” and exhibits a calm contentment of the heart at the supposed inequalities of life.

Envy was the cause of the first murder. Cain killed Abel. The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 4 that Eve bore Cain and then Abel. Abel was a keeper of the sheep and Cain was a tiller of the ground. “And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? And why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door…” (Gen. 4:3-7).

The Bible reveals to us that this emotional baggage called “envy” is sin. It caused Cain to rise up against Abel his brother, and slew him. It is a destructive emotion. It festers hatred in the heart until it cannot be contained and results eventually in the discharge of this pent-up anger in the hurting of the other person whether in physical or verbal abuse. This is not so for the Christian whose heart is filled with God’s love. It is not envious but is calm and contented to even cheer or be happy to see others prosper. For the student, this love enables him to help his fellow student without being afraid that he will do one day do better than him. For the colleague, it enables one to impart know-how without being afraid of losing out in the process. This is such a wonderful Christian trait if you are at the receiving end of the blessings which result from the generosity of another. There is the greater blessing which this verse describes for us if you are the one demonstrating such a love to another. This makes all the difference in a cruel world where the Christian’s testimony shines as light in darkness.

Dear readers, charity envies not. There is that constant overcoming of the corrupt emotional make-up of the depraved heart that is taught here. You may ask, “How can such love be cultivated?” Biblical love is an active emotion that God gives to His children. We are to seek God’s help with godly repentance every time we realize even an inkling of evil arises in the heart when we see the prosperity of others. We are to cultivate that heightened awareness of this sin in our hearts and ask God to nip the evil in the bud and not allow the hatred to fester. We are to realize that we are special in God’s sight and God has a special plan for our life that is unique and beautiful. We must learn to rest in God’s goodness in our lives. We must learn to count our blessings. Our hopes and expectations must not be earth bound but heaven ward. God’s reward for His servants is not according to how the world rates gain rather how we count all things loss for Christ’s sake. We all have to give an account of our stewardship in this life before Jesus, our Judge. May we truly have His favour in the day of reckoning! Amen.

Yours lovingly
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