To possess such love that “hopeth all things”, it must begin with a good grounding of knowing who our God is, not only in terms of His love but also of His infinite power and His wisdom. It tells us that our God supplies His inexhaustible power to turn around every hopeless situation. Such is the power of God’s love. It enables us to live above our afflictions and our sorrows. It gives strength and comfort to the bereaved that they will see their loved ones in the Lord again one day. It enables God’s children not to give up sharing the gospel with their unbelieving loved ones. It enables the terminally ill to say I know my Redeemer lives and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. It is as if he is able to see through a keyhole the glory of eternity which he will enter when his life ends. It enables us to bury our dead with the expectation that when Christ shall come again, we shall rise again because they that are alive shall be caught up with the Lord in the air.