2 Corinthians 11:17 That which I speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were foolishly, in this confidence of boasting.

Is there a legitimate cause for boasting in the Apostle Paul’s code of conduct? Not that he has understood from his Lord, there is no place for boasting in the ministry. And yet he was engaged precisely in this. Why the misalignment in his conduct? Hendriksen observed well, “Paul wants to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ who never boasted, but for the sake of influencing the Corinthians to better insight he momentarily adopts the character of a fool… what Paul is saying ought not to be interpreted as coming from the Lord but rather out of the circumstances into which Paul has been cast…. Momentarily he has adopted a role that is not his own, yet with it, he seeks to advance the cause of Christ.” He had a good reason for doing so but he was not impressed with the means by which he accomplished it, nevertheless, he felt was necessary to do so.

Gill provided further insight when he said, “Were it not for the necessity under which I am laid to vindicate my apostleship, my present glorying would be inconsistent with my Christian profession of humility, and knowing no one after the flesh.”

As we analyse and observe the work of the ministry, indeed, the enemy was cunning and shrewd, the Apostle Paul must have considered other possible alternative approaches in defending the gospel work established. This was directly striking at the core of the matter, he was in the ministry not for filthy lucre putting a contrast with the enemies of the gospel so that the eyes of the Corinthian church may be opened to the danger to their souls in accepting these individuals.