Barnes said well, “That is, by making known the truths of the gospel. It was his object to make known the simple truth. He did not corrupt it by false mixtures of philosophy and human wisdom, but communicated it as it had been revealed to him. The object of the appointment of the Christian ministry is to make known the truth; and when that is done, it cannot but be that they will commend their office and work to the favourable regards of men.”

Thank God for the gift of the King James Bible to the church. There we find the most faithful translation available for our edification. It is with great confidence that we read “thus saith the Lord” or we preach “thus saith the Lord”. Not our eloquence rather our faithfulness to declare the truth in love (2 Cor. 6:6) for only the King James Bible cost the translates’ life blood, that does not attack the Son of God, or attack the blood of the Lamb, or undermine the faith which was once delivered unto the saints but Modern English versions do. [Dr SH Tow]