I sent a word of encouragement – “God is with you. Trust Him. Seek Him. He will help you. Psalm 121.”

Having been freed from the bondage of sin through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, we depend on God through His Word and His Spirit through prayer to live victoriously for Him.

The believer is to cheer up and be of good courage. He has the wherewithal of living a blessed life through Jesus Christ. May he be encouraged to keep on believing.

William MacDonald said well, “But this delight in vengeance should have no place in the lives of those who have been redeemed. Instead, they should act honourably in the face of abuse and injury, as in all the circumstances of life. To have regard means to take thought for or be careful to do.” Take care to keep your Christian testimony before God and men in the face of persecution. Let the Christian’s response be seasoned with charity.