Give to God your wholehearted devotion is the call issued by the Apostel Paul. All that we are comes from Him. God made us with a mind, with a heart and with a will that we might think, love and obey Him freely.

Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-79) of England began writing verse at age seven. Her insatiable thirst for the Bible led her to memorize the entire New Testament, Psalms, Isaiah, and the Minot Prophets. She was a concert contralto soloist and a brilliant classical pianist. She gave her life to Christ at age fifteen.

At age twenty-one she stood in the art gallery at Dusseldorf, Germany, looking at the painting of the crucifixion with the engraving beneath it: “This I have done for thee; what hast thou done for Me?” In the previous century the wealthy young Count Zinzendorf of Moravian missionary fame read these same words and was led to consecrate his life to Christ. As she stood there, her very soul was stirred. Tears cascaded down her cheeks. From that moment she dedicated her talents to the service of the Lord.