The first thing that demands our notice in these verses, is the mighty miracle that is here recorded. We read that they brought unto our Lord “one that was deaf and had an impediment in his speech,” and besought Him that He would “put His hand upon him.” At once the petition is granted, and the cure is wrought. Speech and hearing are instantaneously given to the man by a word and a touch. “Immediately his ears were opened, and his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.”

We know nothing of the woman who is here mentioned, beyond the facts that we here read. Her name, her former history, the way in which she was led to seek our Lord, though a Gentile, and dwelling in the borders of Tyre and Sidon,–all these things are hidden from us. But the few facts that are related about this woman are full of precious instruction. Let us observe them, and learn wisdom.

We see in the beginning of this passage, how slow of understanding men are in spiritual things. “Hearken,” says our Lord to the people, “hearken unto me every one of you, and understand.”–“Are ye so without understanding?” He says to His disciples,–“Do ye not perceive?”