Let us learn from these words of our Lord Jesus Christ, the immense importance of faith.

This is a lesson which our Lord teaches first by a proverbial saying. Faith shall enable a man to accomplish works, and overcome difficulties, as great and formidable as the “removing of a mountain, and casting it into the sea.” Afterwards the lesson is impressed upon us still further, by a general exhortation to exercise faith when we pray. “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” This promise must of course be taken with a reasonable qualification. It assumes that a believer will ask things which are not sinful, and which are in accordance with the will of God. When he asks such things, he may confidently believe that his prayer will be answered. To use the words of James, “Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.” (James 1:6)