Psalm 134:2-3 Blessed the LORD

Psalm 134:2-3 (KJV) Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD. The LORD that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion.

The psalmist extols the people of God to come into His house with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. The grateful heart acknowledge the LORD and bless Him in wholehearted worship and devotion.

What a blessing it is that the people of God approach to Him in holy worship. The lifting up of the hands is a prayer posture of praise and prayer in communion with the LORD, waiting upon Him.

The blessing of the LORD is outpoured upon His people to lift up with hands to Him in the sanctuary and bless His Name. The LORD that made heaven and earth.

Out of Zion, that is the place of God’s temple, there the presence of God and there He sends forth His blessings to His people. Amen.