John 17:9 They Are Thine

John 17:9 (KJV)  I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

Our Lord Jesus intercedes for His dear ones, those who belong to the Father. This was His mission on earth and now, praying for the saints, as our Mediator with the Father. How blessed are the people of God!

Our Lord Jesus knows the condition and needs of His people and prays for their well-being on their behalf. Our Lord’s interest was to save and deliver His people from the world.

He testified that He prays not for the world but for the believers who find spiritual life through Him. He frustrates the enemy of His own and saves that from the wiles of the evil one.

Our Lord distinguishes His own and seeks their welfare and eternal peace. Amen.