Psalm 15:1-3 Who Shall Abide In Thy Tabernacle?

Psalm 15:1-3 (KJV)  A Psalm of David. LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 

Who is he that abides and dwells with the LORD? It is he who walks uprightly and works righteousness. This walk and work is undergirded by a truthful heart that reflects the outward form of righteousness. It is pleasing in the sight of the LORD.

Not only so but he is one that does not backbite with the tongue – the word “backbite” means to “slander, reproach, speak evil of.” It means to circulate reports evil reports of others.

Nor does his neighbour any harm. But be slow to believe an evil report of another. Such shall have blessed communion with the LORD, A communion that brings peace and joy. Amen.