Psalm 73:28 Draw Near to God

Psalm 73:28 (KJV)  But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works. 

The greatest good we can do in our lifetime is to draw near to God. Why do we seek Him? Because we entrust ourselves to His care. We draw near to God through prayer. We draw near to God when we prayerfully meditate upon the Word of God. We draw near to God when we sing the songs of Zion and when we praise God with our hearts through the sanctified words taught in the hymns.

We draw near to Him morning, noon and night. Throughout the way, we find ourselves renewed in grace and strengthened when we draw near to God. The believer’s quiet time is an important time to draw especially near to God. Thank God that He draws nigh to us as we draw nigh to Him.

The psalmist speaks of the works of God that he sought to testify. In other words, there is a living fountain of life that God imparts to us as we draw near to Him. It brings wisdom to live our lives. With God directing us, surely we walk in safety and security.

May the Lord bless our day with His presence and power. Amen.