Psalm 119:10 Not Wander

Psalm 119:10 (KJV)  With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. 

The prayer of the psalmist is that he may be kept from straying away from God’s laws. He has testified that he seeks the LORD with wholehearted sincerity. This was how our Lord Jesus taught us to pray – And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: 

To be tempted and to resist the lure to yield to the temptations that come our way is the prayer of the psalmist. He sought the Lord for strength to ward off every attack of the evil one.

Let our hearts, therefore, be focussed on the Lord in His Word that we may be strengthened to run the way of His commandments, receiving His blessings. Amen.