Psalm 31:24 All Ye that Hope In the LORD

Psalm 31:24 (KJV)  Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD. 

The outlook in a fallen world is often bleak. But for the people of God, He shall strengthen your hearts. We are exhorted to be courageous to trust the LORD’s care in an uncertain world. The people of God hope in Him.

This hope is sure and certain, just as the Red Sea was parted, just as the Jordan was dried up, just as the raven brought food for His prophet Elijah in the wilderness, the LORD’s care for His people defies the adverse outlook.

The LORD’s plan is the redemption of His people for His own. We are thankful that as we look forward to the land of Promise, our heavenly home, we are assured of His care now and therefore are exhorted to be of good courage. Amen.