Jeremiah 7:23 That It May Be Well With You

Jeremiah 7:23 (KJV)  But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. 

Life with God requires our obedience to His voice, as it is written in His Word. When we disobey God when we walk not in all the ways that He commanded us, He tells us that this is contrary to His will for His people. We shall not be well.

What God means is that He cannot prosper our ways when we walk contrary to His voice as He by His Holy Spirit teaches us in His written Word.

Let us, therefore, choose to walk in all the ways that He has commanded us that we may be well. Amen.