Psalm 91:16 Satisfied!

Psalm 91:16 (KJV)  With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. 

This is the Lord speaking here to His people. As we depend on Him, He will surely prove Himself dependable! The Lord spoke and announced what He would do for those of His people who truly loved Him and acknowledged Him with obedient lives. 

The psalmist recommends to us his God. He says, “In Him will I trust.”

Psalm 91:2 (KJV)  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 

And he shares with us the care of God in his life. God is described as Almighty, He is the Almighty God. There is no power that can prevail against Him. Satan is a defeated foe with our Almighty God. 

The psalmist tells us that there is a living Lord that we can turn to for rest and repair. When we are challenged with adversity and struggling to understand what hit us, there is a shelter that we can run to for safety. And his encouragement for us is that there is a way out.

The “salvation” in verse 16 means help and deliverance in life. The joy of enjoying the presence of God and His glory after a long satisfying life. Amen.