Psalm 69:30 I Will Praise and Magnify Him

Psalm 69:30 (KJV)  I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. 

The psalmist praises the Name of God with a song. Indeed, as we praise God with wholesome words of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, the Name of God is extolled. His excellencies are brought to remembrance in our hearts, we are drawn closer to Him as we recall His excellent ways in our lives.

It causes us to magnify our God in thanksgiving. There is no greater joy for the church of Christ than to magnify His Name through our thanksgiving. The Sabbath day is most apt for recounting the goodness and greatness of God in our lives through each passing week and glorifying His Name by our thanksgiving.

Let us bless His Holy Name, for by Him we have been made holy and now we are partakers of His glorious beauty. Amen.