Psalm 68:11 The LORD Gave the Word

Psalm 68:11 (KJV)  The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it

When the LORD gave the Word, He also raised up His servants to proclaim it. There is an excitement to the proclamation that God moves by His Spirit a great company to publish it. Whether written or spoken, the Word is sent forth in the power of the Holy Spirit to convict and comfort the hearts of men.

What a happy throng! Daniel describes their blessings in Daniel 12:3 (KJV)  And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. 

The goodness of the Lord is proclaimed to the poor so that they may be comforted. To the afflicted, that they may find solace and help. This was the blessed example par excellence of Christ’s ministry – Matthew 9:35-36 (KJV)  And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. 

May His Word continue to be published for His honour and glory. Amen.