Psalm 130:5 In His Word Do I Hope

Psalm 130:5 (KJV)  I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. 

Hope founded upon God’s Word is absolutely sure, forever settled in heaven. It is by faith that we lay hold upon the hope promised in God’s Word. It gives us the strength to wait. Waiting upon the LORD is a calming posture. It helps us renew our strength.

My soul doth wait is the psalmist prayer posture. It has a sense of rest and it has a sense of peace. God makes a way for His people.

Psalm 130:7 (KJV)  Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption. 

There is a way out for the undeserving. There is a way forward for the wayward who would return to Him. No longer tossed to and fro but fixed upon the LORD, patiently waiting for Him. Amen.