Revelation 13:17; No Man Might Buy or Sell

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

Lockyer observed insightfully, “Universal subjection to the beast will also be forced by the most rigid control of commerce ever practiced. A stupendous boycott of food and trade will operate universally. Whether rich or poor, people will not be able to buy or sell unless they have the official ration mark – the emblem of the kingdom of the man of sin. The choice will be idolatry or starvation, and the false prophet will make sure there are no black markets or bootleggers. The most fearsome secret police will be created to enforce the economic union for trading and living.”

Today, we have a surveillance camera that can be installed everywhere and drone technology to monitor and survey the population. None can escape.

Lockyer further observed, “The most abject submission to the vilest tyranny ever experienced will be evidenced by a mystic mark on the right hand or the forehead, even as animals and slaves have often been branded with their owners’ mark. Absence of the mark of the beast will mean relentless ostracism. Such a mark will be necessary for life and for all social business relations. In effect, it will be a diabolical trading license. It will be in plain sight, upon the hand, indicating that the branded person is the active slave of the beast. The raised open hand is a form of the Roman salute; when hands are raised to the image, it will be seen immediately whether those who salute the beast are beast worshippers and therefore qualified to by and sell. The brand upon the forehead will be the public sign of abject submission to the beast.”

[Herbert Lockyer, All About the Second Coming, Hendrickson, 2007, 115]