2 Corinthians 8:11; A Readiness to Will

2 Corinthians 8:11 Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.

The Corinthian church was first to express the willingness to contribute to the support of the saints’ needs in Jerusalem. However, it’s been a year since and the work was not completed. Other churches are done with their contribution.

The Apostle Paul is nudging them on to the completion of it. He is urging them to not hesitate but be forthcoming in this good work. And this contribution should be according to the resources they have with them and not pledging their future income, which is not certain.

There was an interesting story “God Repays Spurgeon’s Gift To Muller” where God was the One who nudged Spurgeon to make a giving and how God repaid him.

Charles H. Spurgeon once made a trip to Bristol, England, to preach in the three largest Baptist chapels there. He hoped to collect three hundred pounds which were needed immediately for his orphanage. He got the money.

Retiring to bed on the last night of his visit, Spurgeon heard a voice, which to him was the voice of the Lord, saying, “Give those three hundred pounds to George Muller.” “But, Lord, I need it for my dear children in London.” Again came the words, “Give those three hundred pounds to Mr. Muller.” It was only when he had said, “Yes, Lord, I will,” that sleep came to him.

The following morning he made his way to Muller’s orphanage, and found Mr. Muller on his knees before his open Bible, praying. The famous preacher placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “George, God has told me to give you these three hundred pounds.” “Oh,” said George Muller, “dear Spurgeon, I have been asking the Lord for that very sum.” Then those two prayerful men rejoiced together.

Spurgeon returned to London, and on his desk he found a letter awaiting him. He opened it and found it contained three hundred guineas. “There,” he cried with joy, “the Lord has returned my three hundred pounds with three hundred shillings interest.”¹

The Lord bless every cheerful giver. Amen.


¹Encyclopedia of 15,000 Illustrations: Signs of the Times.