2 Corinthians 8:7; Abound In This Grace Also

2 Corinthians 8:7 Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.

The Apostle Paul exhorted the church in Corinth to exercise their gift of giving. There are brethren in Jerusalem in need and he is exhorting them to help them. The church in Corinth has the means to do so.

MacDonald observed well, “Since the Corinthians were so outstanding in many ways (and they were), Paul now wants them to excel in the matter of giving. He gives them credit for abounding in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence (earnestness), and in their love for him. In The First Epistle, Paul had commended them for their knowledge and speech. Here he adds several other virtues, doubtless as a result of Titus’ visit.”

He asked them the Corinth church will bound in generosity. No person has ever been honoured for what he has received; always, for what he has given.¹ The Lord blesses the cheerful giver. Amen.

¹The Complete Book of Wise Words and Quotes.