2 Corinthians 6:9; As Unknown, And Yet Well Known

2 Corinthians 6:9 As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed;

The Apostle Paul was hated by the world for preaching the gospel and yet he was in the closely monitored radar of God and fellow believers. Indeed, as MacDonald observed well, “His life was one of daily dying, and yet behold he lived! Threatened, hunted, pursued, persecuted, and imprisoned, he won his freedom only to preach the gospel with greater zeal.”

“... as chastened, and not killed.” Chastened here has to do with the punishment which he endured at the hands of men. Many times, perhaps, they thought they had brought his tumultuous life to a close — only to hear of his exploits for Christ in other cities! [MacDonald]

John Peterson was perhaps the major sacred music composer of the twentieth century. He was as adept at writing clear, biblical lyrics as he was in composing melodious and singable tunes. In 1961, Peterson published a hymn that is basically a meditation on Romans 8:28. It begins with a reference to the text.¹ This hymn is in the Revival Hymns and Choruses Number 327. An apt hymn that was written for your encouragement.

All things work out for God, we know–
Such is God’s great design;
He orders all our steps below
For purposes divine.

May the Lord bless the work of the gospel through His servants. Amen.


¹ https://wordwisehymns.com/2015/03/23/all-things-work-out-for-good/