Proverbs 12:20-23, Happiness is Living in God!

June 16, Proverbs 12:20-23

Psalm 126; 1 Tim. 6:3-8 “Happy is that people whose God is the Lord” (Ps. 144:15).

Happiness is Living in God!

There is only one way to be happy, and that is to so live as to make happiness possible. “Happiness is neither within us only, nor without us; it is the union of ourselves with God” (Pascal). That, we suggest, is a summary of these proverbs.

1. The Distinguished: Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy (simchah) (v.20). Here deceit and delight are distinguished. To imagine evil means, in Hebrew, to plough or engrave, as the sin of Judah… graven upon the table of their heart (Jer. 17:1). Their evil intent cuts very deep, but they end up hurting themselves most of all. Whoever they succeed in deceiving, they cannot deceive God. They are the victims of their own trickery, and forfeit precious soul-peace! In contrast, counsellors of peace (shalom) are rewarded with unexpected joy. In the words of Jesus: Blessed are the peacemakers. What a blessed distinction! Life in harmony with God’s wisdom brings blessed serenity. It reveals what God’s people are really living for.

2. The Defended: There shall no evil (iniquity) happen to the just: but the wicked are filled with mischief (misery, v.21). The verb happen is rare in Hebrew, and means to be sent, come near. This immediately reminds us of the promise, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling (Ps. 91:10). Job’s comforters completely misused this promise. Yet, when rightly understood, it is as valid for every true believer today as it was for Paul (Rom. 8:28), or for Joseph (Gen. 50:20). We can even thank God for pains and afflictions (Rom. 8:36-39)! There is no failure or mistake, for they are well kept whom God keeps.

3. The Delighted: Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight (ratson, v.22). God abhors lies, while truth-dealing has His blessing. As a child we learned the maxim: “You can watch a thief, but you can’t watch a liar.” God takes note of both, but especially abominates the liar. Parents plead for honesty in their children. They want to know they can believe them no matter what. How much more does our Heavenly Father. Truth should not swim in the brain, but sink into the heart. Every child of God should be known for honesty. “Honesty is truth in conduct, and truth is honesty in words” (Thomas). Delighted in the Lord and by the Lord!

4. The Discerned: A prudent man conceals knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness (v.23). There is a wise covering and a foolish revealing. To conceal here does not mean hiding truth, or never to speak out, but only that a prudent (sensible) man discerns the time (Jn. 16:12; 1 Cor. 2:2). He is not a show-off who delights in puffing himself (Pr. 27:2). Often someone who is least qualified dominates a conversation, while a person with something to contribute keeps silence. The wise person is generally one of few words. He keeps his knowledge for a more convenient season, as, for example, Elihu in Job 32 or Paul in 2 Cor. 12. This should act as a word in season to all.

Thought: “There is no happiness out of God” (John Wesley).

Prayer: Lord, for more understanding of submission to Thy Proverbs.