Proverbs 11:30, The Fruit of the Righteous

May 30, Proverbs 11:30

2 Tim. 2:11-16; Eph. 6:12 “Knowledge puffs up, but charity edifies” (1 Cor. 8:1).

The Fruit of the Righteous

3. God’s Wisdom is for us to win souls by taking or catching them. This does not mean forcing the gospel down unwilling throats. Many children attend services with their parents, but once they enter their teens they begin to balk. Such parents must either go alone, or, find a church where their teenagers will be catered to by the aid of rock music! Something is wrong when the fruit of righteousness does not attract those nearest and dearest to us! Much soul-winning is filled with gimmickry that discredits the Gospel. Numbers and professions, however distorted or extorted, is the name of the game. Saved today, even though there is little or no evidence of the fruit tomorrow (Titus 1:16)!

a. The Happiest Crown: “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,” said Shakespeare. To win souls is God’s appointed work and man’s Happiest Crown. Consider the benefit to others.
i. It stops up old streams of evil, the full consequences of which are impossible to estimate. Covers a multitude of sins!
ii. It starts up new streams of holy and helpful influences, turning many a home from a hell to a heaven. It produces a change in the whole course of a life!
iii. It shouts up new songs. Oh, the joy of seeing a soul won to Christ! There is joy in heaven and joy on earth, joy of the purest kind.
iv. It stocks up true riches. Thus the wise lay up treasure in Heaven, and lasting memorials here as well. “The poorest man is the man who has nothing but money.” The happiness of a believer’s crown will never fade or fall till cast at the feet of the Saviour.

b. The Hardest Cross: The devil mounts his strongest, fiercest attacks when we enter his domain. Heavenly wisdom flows from the right application of God’s revealed Word, and holy zeal must also be tempered with that wisdom. The wise take souls!
i. By Alluring them, by sweetly drawing them. This is heaven’s force, and the magnetism of a holy life and testimony. They simply lift up Christ by their lip and life, and Christ does the drawing (Jn. 3:14,15; 12:31, 32).
ii. By Admonishing them with gentle, but firm rebukes with the authority of God’s Word and true earnestness (2 Tm. 4:2).
iii. By Alarming them, sounding the warnings of Scripture to the unconverted, but bathed in faith, love, and prayer. The devil doesn’t give up easily.

c) The Highest Calling: This is spoken to every sincere believer. Many use pious evasions when challenged on the subject of personal soul-winning. “It’s better felt than telt”, said a minister to this writer, quoting his old Scottish grandmother! This is a very dangerous response, and hides the fatal heresy which lay at the heart of the old German Modernism, and which has reappeared in the charismatic movements of our day. Souls that are taken or caught as the fruit of the righteous will also speak with righteous lips unashamedly and boldly for their Lord. A feeling theology makes the Bible irrelevant!

Thought: The root of all persuasion is love of God and love of man. 

Prayer: Help me, O Lord, to be that Tree bearing the fruit of righteousness.