Proverbs 6:20-23, God’s Word – A Dutiful Companion!

March 14, Proverbs 6:20-23

2 Tim. 3:15-17; Heb. 2:1-4 “Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught” (Tit. 1:9).

God’s Word – A Dutiful Companion!

Now follows a general exhortation to preserve God’s Word. Bind it closely to the heart as your rule, not outwardly in the hands for show; tie them about your neck as your joyous witness. This is a figurative way of saying that you take God’s Word seriously and unashamedly. Young people, don’t think it smart to be independent of your parents’ godly teaching for the Word of God is your unfailing Rule for Life.

1. God’s Word Lives and Talks: a. A Willing Guide – It shall lead thee (v.22). Wherever you travel, it will be a sure guide (Pr. 3:23). Many young people today have the wanderlust. This indicates they feel rootless or purposeless or uncertain about their identity and destiny. When thou goest means more than aimlessly hopping from place to place. It refers to making your way purposefully through the mazes of life. How vital is such a guide to lead you into the right way and from and out of every dead-end track.

a. A Watchful Guardian – It shall keep thee. When you sleep, it protects from the malignant powers of darkness (Pr. 3:24). Guided daily by the Word, and sheltering nightly under the promises of our Guardian, what precious deliverances God commands for us, the young as well as the old and weary. The terror by night holds no fear for you (Ps. 91:5).

b. A Welcome Guest – It shall talk with thee when you awake to meet a new day. Talk (only here in Proverbs, but frequently in Psalms) means Person-to-person meditation (Ps. 1:2). The Living Christ is in this Book. You can see His face on almost every page. Welcome, then, this heavenly Guest who walks and talks with you of all that concerns you. God’s Word is a constant, faithful helper, truly the friend for all seasons.

2. God’s Word – Confirms and Counsels: Love for God’s Word will keep out the love of the world (v. 23). a. The Commandment is a Lamp. This includes the whole revelation of God. It is a Lamp that the winds of adversity can never blowout. We can hold it in our hands as we travel through the oft-times bewildering paths of life. What a penetrating Lamp it is! What a blessed Book! b. The Law is a Light. It does not rob life of pleasure, as some assert, but reveals and invigorates life’s true pleasures and joys. When perplexed about the next step or decision, God’s Law is a sure beacon, illuminating the sign ahead that reads, This is the way. Walk ye in it. It lights for us the path to pardon, peace, and future prospect. c. Its reproofs of instruction are Life! This is puzzling to many. It seems like a contradiction, but we need more than Light. Reproof and instruction on our journey are necessary because of our wayward, sinful wills (Ps. 119:67). “Those reproofs of the word that not only show us our faults, but instruct us how to do better, are the way that leads to life, eternal life” (Henry). Reproofs may make you unhappy, but they should never make you unsure. They are sure proofs of God’s special love for you.

Thought: “If the Bible is to get into us, we must get into the Bible” (Robert Horn).

Prayer: Lord, make Thy Word the ever-present Guest in my heart.