Proverbs 5:12-14, The Voice of Conscience!

February 27, Proverbs 5:12-14

Ezek. 8:15-18; Jn. 8:9; Rom. 2:15 “Every action will be brought into judgment when Jesus comes.”

The Voice of Conscience!

  1. The Lustful Way is Shamefully Exploitive. Since the Fall, conscience merely acts as a monitor. It teaches us to perform in good faith, as being right, that which we do; but it does not of itself supply an independent rule of right. “Doing as well as we know how” is not enough, unless we know what is right and do it. God never tells us merely to do our best, or act according to our knowledge. It is our duty to know what is right, and to do it. We are responsible for knowing prior to doing. It is the admitted refusal to obey the best instruction of godly teachers that is in view of these verses. Guilt is the God-given warning of wrong contemplated or committed. Self-will silences what’s left of a seared conscience. This leads to grief, loss and shame. Here, Solomon describes these emotions.

a. Resented: Don’t miss the ferocity of the language here! I hated instruction, my heart despised (spurned, reviled) reproof (v.12). These words need no comment. They are, however, a factor in the accusing conscience! It was a gracious mercy for God to provide such teachers. Even the grossest sinners know, that because they refused to listen to their teachers, they fell into sin; and despising all reproofs, fell deeper into the pit they were digging for themselves. They hated, reviled, the reprovers of their sins with bitter passion.

b. Reproached: Witness the distress, the anguish, which a sense of guilt produces in the breast of an awakened sinner who can recall slighted privileges (v.13). “Go where you will, the natural dread of an accusing conscience will be found to have been the rod of terror to the guilty of all ages.” If only I had listened! If only I hadn’t gone my own selfish way! If only I had not despised reproof! It is a broken spirit that looks back on wise counsel given but not heeded. If only one could relive those days! When self-respect is lost, how awful is that condition. The reproach associated with such immorality remains long afterwards (Pr. 6:32-33). Thank God there is forgiveness, but the scars remain, horrid memories, ruined health and reputation. Bitter are the consequences of sin (Acts. 24:16)!

c. Regretted: Tragically, the realisation that it wasn’t worth it comes too late: an hour of pleasure, a lifetime of regret (v.14). Who will ever forget the pictures flashed around the world of disgraced evangelists? Such actions affect society as well as sinners. Assemblies of God’s people are affected. Congregation or assembly was a designation of Israel, separated from the abominations of the heathen. It also refers to the redeemed under Christ. Sin in the midst of the congregation was apparently sin against light and knowledge and degraded the Body to which one belonged. Christ called His followers to be salt and light in this sinful world. Now instead of guilt-inducing discipline, we have counselling sessions arranged, and a shameful condoning of immorality results!

Thought: “There are no infidels in eternity, and but few on a deathbed” (Bridges).

Prayer: Lord, help me to see sin for what it really is, and to hate it as Thou dost.