Proverbs 3:13-18, Wisdom’s High Dividends

February 1, Proverbs 3:13-18

Matt. 6:19-24; 13:45-46; Rev. 2:7, 22:2 “Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.”

Wisdom’s High Dividends

Wisdom results in eternal happiness (1-10), but if you suffer trials in its pursuit, don’t be discouraged (11-12). It will be worth it all (13-18). Verse 13 begins with Happy and 18 ends with Happy (Heb.). It is Wisdom in its highest sense that is in view here. As we have seen, this Wisdom is embodied in Christ. Like treasure, it is to be found, not fashioned by us. It is all of God. He does it all, and it is all done! We cannot save ourselves, but we must seek the salvation already provided. Seek and ye shall find God’s precious, permanent peace!

  1. It is Most Precious: Wisdom yields true happiness (13-15a), or as Hebrew puts it, O the blessings of the man finding wisdom. The word blessed means much more than happy as commonly used today. We all want to be happy. Yet not one of us can be truly so until we bow before God’s Wisdom. Happy is the one who lives by the truth of God’s Word and applies it to every aspect of life. Consider the blessed man in Psalm 1. Such finding is not only a getting, but also a glad enjoying of the most precious thing in life. When Robert Bruce, the sturdy Covenanter was dying, he asked that his finger be placed in one of God’s promises that he might plead it in the presence of his Judge!
  2. It is Most Pleasant: Wisdom reveals true hopefulness (14-15a). Deciding where true joy lies is not always easy, yet our lives are filled with decisions that we hope will bring joy. Oh, for the wisdom to always make the right choices! This Wisdom is to be desired above the wealth of silver or gold or rubies. How striking it is that the things mentioned here, centuries ago, are still among the most coveted objects today! God’s Wisdom, however, is of more value than all these, but how few among us really believe that! Surely the Christian, who has found such treasure, should rejoice (Ps. 40:3). Happy is the man [woman] that finds the merchandise of heaven.
  3. It is Most Permanent: Wisdom brings true holiness (15b-18). True Wisdom brings a wholeness that includes all that is holy. Men doggedly seek it elsewhere, but never find it. Wisdom is like a Queen holding long-life in one hand, and wealth and honour in the other. This is the verdict of all who take them from her, but all takers must marry her and also submit to her. She is the source of true life to the End, as well as on the Way, providing true permanence and peace. The Devil uses the rare long-life of a drunkard or depraved person to deceive the youth that sinners live as long as saints, and thus lure them to early graves. Why, O young person would you risk your soul on that lie? It stands written that every violation of God’s Law brings retribution (Gal. 6:7). A godless-rich man can be miserable in a mansion, while a godly-poor man can be happy in a hovel, for his mansion is awaiting. Do you know the difference between the permanent and the passing?

Thought: Would you recklessly lose your soul rather than lose your silver?

Prayer: Lord, give me Thy Wisdom that brings true Happiness.