Proverbs 2:10-22, Wisdom is Stronger than Evil – Part II

January 22, Proverbs 2:10-22

Psalm 1; Hebrews 12:1-2 “Mark the perfect man, and behind the upright; for the end of that man is peace” (Ps. 37:37).

Wisdom is Stronger than Evil – Part II

What is being set forth is these verses is something more than a reformation of character, more than a mere turning from obvious sins to a self-righteous ritualistic formalism that leave the heart unchanged. When divine Wisdom takes full possession of a heart, however, there can be no place for sinful pride to which we are all too prone.

  1. God’s Wisdom Defends Our Spirits, warning us of the wiles of the Devil. Discretion preserves… understanding keeps (v.11). Discretion and understanding, preserves and keeps, are synonymous concepts. God’s Wisdom imparts discretion or understanding that will preserve or keep you, as God, by His Holy Spirit, works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). Once the regenerated heart embraces the Gospel it comes under the controlling influence of the New Life within. An altered understanding guards the simple, the inexperienced ones. Discretion delivers the faltering, the wavering ones from evil (rebellious) men and strange (harlot) women. To keep weeds out of your garden fill the beds so full of flowers that there’s no room for weeds to take root.
  2. God’s Wisdom Directs Our Steps, guiding us in ways that are good (v.20). It directs the redeemed to walk in the way of good men (Jer. 6:16), steering our feet in the ways of peace and contentment. It is a Lamp to the feet and a Star to the humble. Yet, we cannot walk in the way of good men until we forsake the paths of bad men (v.12). The way of good men is better, but their end is better still. Does not Wisdom enjoin us to follow the paths of an Abraham, a Job, a Joseph or a David, than to fall into the ditch with an Ishmael, an Esau or those who deny their Creator-God (Rom. 1:18-23)? Wisdom guides safely all those who heed the Word of God and esteem it more than their necessary food.
  3. God’s Wisdom Domiciles Our Souls, making us to dwell in a good land and a large (v.21). Is not this a type of Heaven? With the Psalmist let us joyfully confess, The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage (Ps. 16:6). The upright are straight-up in their walk. They are “straight shooters.” One can always trust their way as well as their word. Perfect does not mean without fault, for that would eliminate all of us. It means wholesome, complete. Believers, however, know that they will one day be complete in Christ. Proverbs generalises here. Painfully, at times, there appear to us to be exceptions where the wicked seem to prosper. Yet, it is generally true that even now good men do live happily in this world, and bad ones die without hope. As we have said, there is reference here to that “better land,” and every believer can humbly and jubilantly sing, “There’s a land that is fairer than day, and by faith I can see it afar.”

Thought: “There is no solid wisdom but in true piety” (John Evelyn).

Prayer: That Christ may be made unto me such Wisdom and Knowledge.