Proverbs 1:7, Biblical Knowledge – The Foundation of Faith

January 8, Proverbs 1:7

Romans 1:18-32, Psalm 19:1 “for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid” (1 Cor. 3:11)

Biblical Knowledge – The Foundation of Faith

It is vitally impossible to see that the word knowledge is used into two distinct ways. Fallen man has knowledge, but no according to wisdom. Paul distinguishes these two types of knowledge. He points out that man knows God, yet morally he does not know God at all! This is not an intellectual problem. It is a moral one! Paul’s point is that all men do know God, involving covenant obligations on man’s part. Either man accepts or rejects his obligations to his Creator. Accordingly man acts either wisely or foolishly. Dr. C. Van Til, with Paul, taught that man was either a covenant-keeper who knowledge honours God, or a covenant-breaker who knows God, yet acts as a rebel (Rom. 1:18-20), and jettisons God, who is the source of all knowledge.

  1. A Revelation: Truth is essential for man, but where is truth found? God has left no-thing­ uninterpreted. Van Til insists that “for a fact to be a fact at all it must be a revelational fact.” The sinner will not accept what the facts so clearly reveal! The facts clearly speak of the Creator, but the sinner will not listen! A geologist who rejects the knowledge of the Rock of Ages doesn’t really know anything about the rocks around him!

“No knowledge of history can be complete without accepting Biblical truths. No psychologist can discern deeds of man until he or she knows God. No teacher can stand to proclaim facts without the light of truth. The world and the people in it remain a mystery until all is unlocked by the revelation of the Bible” (C.W. Turner).

This is the answer to all within and about us. The folly of “godlessness” appears in this observation, “Without God’s explanation, you and I have to assume that we do not exist!” If man wants truth, he must begin with God’s Revelation of man and his world.

  1. A Rebellion: Fools despise wisdom and instruction (v.7b). The simple (v.4) is a fool who is yet open to guidance. The fool in v.7 is of a different kind altogether.

a. This fool rejects The Truth. He is arrogant, boastful, short-tempered, unruly; the reverse of a wise man who reverences God. He is thick, morally bad, mocks at sin and guilt. He resembles the natural man of Romans. This is the explanation of the terrible sin and depravity of the world today.

b. This fool represses The Truth. Paul boldly declares the tragic reality. The fool holds down [supresses] the truth in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18b). Man, the sinner, is never neutral in spiritual things. Unlike the simple fool, this fool is not open to God’s truth, but attacks it and seeks to annul it at every turn. The heathen believe in gods, and fear, but this fool says, No! to God. Yet all that finite man needs to know about God and Man is contained in the Bible. Is this why the Bible continues to be so viciously attacked?

Thought: “One grain of faith is more precious than a pound of knowledge” (J. Hall).

Prayer: Lord, keep me from despising Thy Wisdom.