1 Corinthians 14:38, Let Him Be Ignorant

1 Corinthians 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

When God gives His Word, it is to be imbibed and assimilated and acted upon for our well-being. The Apostle Paul whilst giving the Lord’s instruction also saw that there are those who would choose to disobey these divine instructions. He has highlighted that these were not his words but the very words of God. They are to be obeyed.

Alas, if one chooses to spurn the instruction and ignore the admonition of his servants, that defiance is openly rebelling God. There will no peace such with such a soul but unrest for flaunting God’s care for our lives.

There is no other recourse for such a soul. Let him continue in his ignorance till he comes to himself. May the Lord bless His people with a heart ready to do the Father’s will. Amen.