1 Corinthians 13:7, Charity Believeth All Things (1)

1 Corinthians 13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things …

Biblical love is not distrustful but is fully trusting. Such a love is not sceptical, doubtful or suspicious but gives the other person the benefit of the doubt. Charity assumes the best motive and therefore gives the unbridled trust. We cannot read motives and do not profess we can. Therefore, charity assumes the others we come in contact with have good intentions. You may ask, isn’t this very gullible? It is not! But it is an approach that builds trust. The flip side of this Christian grace would be being scornful and cynical. It builds distrust and suspicion.

When Job lost his wealth, children, health, servants even the favour of his wife, he had to contend with three friends who assumed the worst in their assessment of Job’s character. Job must have sinned against God they concluded, that is why he is in this pitiful state. They chided him and admonished him and tormented him with their unending barrage of accusations that spans 28 of the 42 chapters of the book. Job had to defend his integrity before his three friends to his discouragement, disappointment and distress. His friends were miserable comforters. Their vain words caused Job much grief and tears.

If his friends had given him the benefit of the doubt and not accuse him wrongly, it would have comforted his heart in the most distressing time of Job’s life. Amen.