1 Corinthians 13:5, Charity Is Not Easily Provoked (2)

1 Corinthians 13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked …

The first covenant home set up by Adam and Eve was devastated when we saw one sibling killing another, Cain killed Abel. It must have grieved the hearts of the parents to see such carnage in the home. The Bible says Cain was very wroth (very angry). What happened? If we can perform an open heart surgery to examine the heart of Cain, you will realise that there is that boiling anger that causes Cain to lose his the peace in his heart, to be provoked so much as to take the life of his brother Abel.Family life grinds to a stand still!

There are also the examples of hot-tempered spouses by their anger often cause untold miseries to their family. What has gone wrong? Somehow the knowledge of God’s Word is not translated into a meaningful change of heart. We give a mental assent but lack an inner conviction to walk with God, to live as a true Christian! What can be done? Unresolved anger has caused many a family to be broken out. We can be provoked out of fear or perhaps frustration, perhaps it is hurt or perhaps we have experienced some injustice.

This aspect of God’s love teaches us to examine our heart and not let such sinful emotions to cause us to lose our peace and provoked us to wrath. We need to surrender ourselves to God and seek His ways and not allow such selfish anger to ruin our Christian testimony. May we ask the Lord to give us a good temper that we may not be easily provoked but bear this spiritual fruit! Amen.