1 Corinthians 13:5, Charity Seeketh Not Her Own

1 Corinthians 13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own …

Charity is not selfish but is sacrificial. She does not consider her own interest to the exclusion of others. It has a considerate and sacrificial interest for the things of others. This is quite contrary to the character of the natural or fallen man that seeks only to further his own interest.

 There was this account when “the army of Alexander the Great was marching against Darius, in crossing the deserts they often suffered more for want of water than by fatigue; many of the cavalry were unable to hold out. While they were upon the march some Macedonians had filled their bottles at a river, and were bringing the water upon mules. These people, seeing Alexander greatly distressed with thirst (for it was in the heart of the day), immediately filled a helmet with water, and presented it to him. He asked them to whom they were carrying it, and they said, “Our sons; but if our prince does not live, we shall get other children, if we lose them.” Upon this he took the helmet in his hands; looking round, and seeing all the horsemen bending their heads, and fixing their eyes upon the water, he returned it without drinking. However, he praised the people that offered it, and said, “If I alone drink, these good men will be dispirited.” The cavalry, who were witnesses to this act of temperance and magnanimity cried out, “Let us march! We are neither weary nor thirsty, nor shall we even think ourselves mortal, while under the conduct of such a king.” At the same time, they put spurs to their horses and dash away with fresh courage.”[1]

The example of Alexander the Great can hardly be compared with the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus came specifically to die so that we may have eternal life. When Jesus hung on the cross, it was not for His own interest, but for lost sinners such as us. We cannot fully fathom the full weight of the debt of the sins of the world, past, present and future, on the shoulders of our Lord when he hung on the cross in those 6 hours. This is the epitome of God’s love demonstrated on the cross. May God’s love fill His people that His goodness be carried forth through the lives of His people Amen.

[1] Henry Davenport Northrop, Character Sketches for Boys and Girls, The Topeka Book Co., 392.