1 Corinthians 12:7, Given to Every Man to Profit

1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

The Holy Spirit gives every believer the ability to help or serve others. This enabling may vary from believer to believer as the Holy Spirit is sovereign is bestowing spiritual ability as He deems fit. But every believer will be gifted of the Holy Spirit. This ability for service is not meant for any prideful or selfish ends but to be a blessing to others.

The kind of ability for service may differ from person to person but it is the same Holy Spirit that gives these abilities and therefore, there is unity in the body of Christ as each endeavour to serve God as he or she is given the enabling. This is how the body of Christ grows in strength and stature.

It is therefore fitting that the believer seeks the Lord and prepare his or her heart to be a blessing to others. The word “profit” is to be profitable, advantageous, to contribute or bring together for the benefit of another. May the Lord help us to do something good for Jesus each day. Amen.