1 Corinthians 11:11-12, Mutual Dependence

1 Corinthians 11:11-12 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.

The Apostle Paul exhorts the man to see the mutual dependence between the man and the woman and warns him not to be puffed up because of the prominence that God places upon him because he was created first. The man is in need of the woman’s help as much as the woman is in need of the man’s help. They are the useful one to the other. This is God’s creative order too. Therefore, cherish the need for mutual dependence and enjoy a profitable teamwork and companionship doing things together.

MacArthur said well, “Paul reminds them of their equality and mutual dependence. Man’s authority over woman is a delegated authority and a derived authority, given by God to be used for His purposes and in His way. Man as a fellow creature has no innate superiority to woman and has no right to use his authority tyrannically or selfishly. Male chauvinism is no more biblical than feminism. Both are perversions of God’s plan.”¹

May the Lord bless the husband and wife union for His glory as both seek to fulfil God’s purpose for their mutual blessing. Amen.


¹MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1984). 1 Corinthians (p. 260). Chicago: Moody Press.