1 Corinthians 10:24, Every Man Another’s Wealth

1 Corinthians 10:24 Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.

The man of God seeks not his own benefit but the welfare of his neighbour. He seeks not to enrich himself but that of others. His life is poured out for the good that may be imparted to others.This was Jesus’ life. The love of Christ is manifested in servanthood. May God give us a servant’s heart.

A Servant’s Heart

Make me a servant like You, dear Lord

Living for others each day.

Humble and meek,

Helping the weak,

Loving in all that I say.


Give Lord a servant’s heart

Here’s my life

Take every part.

Give me, Lord a servant’s heart.

Give me Lord, a servant’s heart.


Make me a witness like You, dear Lord

Showing the love of the cross,

Sharing Your Word till all have heard

Serving whatever the cost.


Give Lord a servant’s heart

Here’s my life

Take every part.

Give me, Lord a servant’s heart.

Give me Lord, a servant’s heart.
