1 Corinthians 7:23, Ye Are Bought With a Price

1 Corinthians 7:23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.

Christians are freely pardoned of their sin by Christ. But the cost of obtaining that pardon is great. It caused God’s Son to greatly suffer to take the punishment of our sins. That was a debt we could not pay. As the old saying goes, “He came to pay a debt He didn’t owe because we owe a debt we could’t pay.”

It is a terrible experience to be in debt. Today, unpaid credit debt demands high interest rate payment. I know of one who was unable to pay the debt and it was sold to a collectors company and the collectors company comes after him like a loan-shark seeking repayment with exorbitant interest of 40%. The debt snowball with time and the one in debt is miserable when he is unable to repay. One would be declared a bankrupt in the worse case. And it is such a relief if there is someone who is able to help pay the debt. The sense of being freed from the debt is tremendous but such a one realises the obligation to the one who paid the debt on his behalf.

Christ paid our debt of sin. He paid for it by His death on the cross. Even after His resurrection, the scars of the crucifixion could be seen on His hands. May we be grateful to our Lord and serve Him with our whole heart.  Amen.