Romans 16:14-16, The Churches of Christ Salute You

Romans 16:14-16 Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brethren which are with them. 15 Salute Philologus, and Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are with them. 16 Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.

The Apostle Paul salute the leaders and members of  two congregations of God’s people in Rome in verses 14-15. The churches of Christ is with reference to the congregation of believers in the circle of churches that he has ministered to.

MacArthur observed well, “The practice of embracing and kissing friends on the forehead or cheek was common in Old Testament times. Men would sometimes kissed on the beard. Such kisses were in no way romantic, much less erotic, and kissing on the mouth was rare, except for married couples. Kissing was common among relatives and close friends, especially when they first came together after a long separation and when they departed, as is common today. To kiss a person of high position was a sign of honor and respect…The New Testament church, at first composed primarily of Jews, carried on the traditional practice of kissing among relatives and close friends. Because many new believers were made outcast by their biological families, the spiritual kinship of Christians became all the dearer and was frequently manifested by what came to be called a holy kiss.”

He exhorts the believers to continue with the practice of greeting one another, maintain the warm relations of spiritual kinship. It may be a handshake, a warm embrace, keep up the spirit of sincere Christian love among brethren. Amen.