Romans 16:8, Beloved in the Lord

Romans 16:8 Greet Amplias my beloved in the Lord.

Plumer observed rightly, “Amplias is nowhere else mentioned in the Bible. But the affection of Paul towards him was strong; the word rendered beloved being  also rendered well-beloved and dearly loved.”

But Bible background study shows that Amplias is a name commonly given to slaves. And this converted slave endeared himself to the Apostle Paul. Perhaps he was able to share the burden the Apostle Paul is going through, upholding him in prayer and by being a helper and friend to him.

As you read the number of men and women who have endeared themselves to the Apostle Paul and his ministry, albeit, amidst persecution, they shared in the burden of the gospel work, bringing encouragement and comfort to God’s servant. To think that the Apostle Paul was a persecutor of the church, a man feared and shunned for his notorious deeds before his conversion, this list of friends must have provided the much needed spiritual and moral support. Indeed, in Jesus Christ, we are gained a family of friends touched by God’s love to show love to us. What privilege! May it strengthen our walk with God. Amen.