Romans 16:6, Labouring for God’s People

Romans 16:6 Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour on us.

Mary was one who laboured much to bless God’s people. This word for “labour” speaks of weariness and fatigue, to toil, to be worn out to do good. Such a one though physically exhausted but in the spirit, rejoicing. She has understood the meaning of what Jesus taught, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

We notice the many godly men and women who love the Lord and willingly gave of themselves to serve God’s people. What a blessed testimony! In the family of God, He raised willing hands to bless the lives of His people. God’s love filled the heart of Mary and she was able to serve with distinction receiving the commendation of the Apostle Paul and others, blessed by her ministry.

In our Lord’s ministry, there were also the women folks like Mary Magdalene who loved the Lord and was first at the tomb to witness the empty tomb. She loved the Lord because Jesus has freed her from demon possession. Life was a grave misery before her deliverance. With her deliverance, she appreciated freedom from evil. She sought to do good for all the good that she has received as a way to repay the goodness that she has received from God.

It attested to the power of the gospel to transform lives and grace to service. May the Lord bless you too in your service for Him to the strengthening and comfort of the saints. Amen.